Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Pelletron Has Arrived!!!

Hey everyone,
The Pelletron arriving at the lab in the back of a
truck still to be unloaded

Sorry for not posting much lately, it's been really busy in the lab.  The Pelletron, the high voltage end of our accelerator, arrived yesterday so everyone's been really busy putting it together.  We're all super excited that its finally here after about a year and a half of waiting.  We can't wait to fire it up and shoot some dust.
The pelletron on its tracks next to the
gas tanks of SF6

We've already done a bunch of work on the pelletron and have the shell on its rails and the SF6 gas tanks in place.  We're hoping to be able to get the head stand in place by tomorrow so we can start aligning the pelletron to the rest of the beamline.  We took a bunch of pictures of the whole process of unloading it from the trucks and when we find time they'll all be on our flickr account.  Also make sure to check our webcam from time to time to see how the progress is going.  Both links can be found in the links section on the right side of the blog.  We'll keep taking pictures of the whole process so you'll get to see all the exciting work going on right now.

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